Cameron Homes seeks your views on proposals for the second northern phase of residential development at Acorn Meadows, on land east of Luke Lane and north of Sycamore Way.


The Site.

The site, which is in single land ownership, comprises one field parcel located to the east of Luke Lane, north of Sycamore Way and south of Mercaston Lane. The site is on the northern edge of Brailsford. The field lies to the north of Cameron Homes’ recently completed Acorn Meadows development.

Development of the site would be a second phase to Cameron Homes’ Acorn Meadows scheme.

The site looking north east from Luke Lane (Acorn Meadows phase one to the right)

Location Map


What is being Proposed?

The proposal includes the construction of 30-35 new homes ranging in size to meet needs of first time buyers, couples and families.

The housing mix would include a range of detached and semi-detached homes, including the provision of affordable housing (30% of all homes) and homes that meet ‘accessible and adaptable’ standards providing level access and provisions for those with reduced mobility.

Streetscene taken from Acorn Meadows phase one

It is proposed to access the site through the Acorn Meadows development (off Sycamore Way). Residents would use the existing T-junction between Sycamore Way and Luke Lane to access the site. This arrangement means that no hedgerow would need to be removed to facilitate a new access onto Luke Lane or Mercaston Lane.

Existing access – junction of Sycamore Way (Acorn Meadows phase one) and Luke Lane.

All 2 and 3 bedroom homes will have a minimum of 2 parking spaces, with all 4+ bedroom homes having a minimum of 3 parking spaces. All homes will have Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure.
There is also an opportunity to deliver a footpath/cycle link connecting to Acorn Meadows and in turn linking to the wider public right of way network.

Open Space
New public open space is proposed in line with the requirements of Derbyshire Dales District Council. This includes a swathe of open space alongside Luke Lane and Mercaston Lane to create a soft edge to the development. The open space would also connect into the open space delivered as part of Acorn Meadows.

The areas of public open space will include soft landscaping and planting and will be overlooked by the proposed new homes.
No trees or hedgerows would be removed as part of the development. There are opportunities for new tree and hedgerow planting as part of the proposals.

Engineering investigations are currently ongoing to determine a suitable drainage strategy, this could include a potential link into the existing attenuation pond that was delivered as part of the first phase of the Acorn Meadows scheme.

Local Infrastructure
On site provision and/or financial contributions will be provided towards local infrastructure to mitigate any impact of the development. These contributions will be secured through a legal agreement. Any on site infrastructure or off-site financial contributions will be finalised through a future planning application following discussion with Derbyshire Dales District Council and other infrastructure providers.

In the foreground is the area of open space delivered as part of Acorn Meadows phase one. The site proposed for phase two is shown in the background.

What is the Design Approach?

The design of the proposed layout has been informed by a number of constraints and opportunities including the presence of trees and hedgerows, any longer-distance views of the site and the need to protect the amenity of residents, including existing neighbours.

The key design principles are as follows:

Inclusive access to enable residents to move around comfortably without encountering obstructions.

Provision of a layout arrangement within the site to foster low speed vehicular movement

Provision of an active frontage to Luke Lane and Mercaston Lane

Protection of amenity for existing residents of Sycamore Way and North Lane.

Provision of a variety of house types and sizes to contribute positively to the quality and character of the new development and reflect the local vernacular.

Seamless integration with the adjacent Acorn Meadows development, with similar house types and character of development.

Achieve good quality architectural and public realm detailing through use of good quality materials.

Ensuring all homes have on-plot and integral parking provided which are positioned not to dominate the appearance of the development and reduce the need for street parking.

Retention of all existing trees, vegetation and habitat features and provision of additional public open space, landscaping and tree planting to soften visual impact of the development.

Chamfering of development edge which is set back from Luke Lane and Mercaston Lane to create a soft edge to Brailsford and a landscape buffer to the countryside beyond.

Re-establishing the tree belt along the eastern boundary, through increased tree planting helping to soften visual impact of the development to the east.

Images and streetscenes of Acorn Meadows phase one. Used as inspiration for design principles for phase two.

Design and Character.

Cameron Homes is committed to the highest quality of design and detailing in all of its developments.
It is acknowledged that good quality architectural and public realm detailing is intrinsic to delivering a quality development.

In particular, the elevation design and architectural detailing will pay particular attention to the following:

Use of good quality materials including stock bricks and subtle traditional detailing.

External front and garage door styling selected to provide a cohesive design approach with complementary styles and finishes.

Traditional canopies and door surrounds complement the design style of the dwellings

Garden well boundaries facing the street and public realm will be brick in prominent locations

The proposal aims to strike a balance between designing homes in response to local architecture and character and also creating an attractive, modern development in its own right with a clear structure and identity. Materials are of a simple palette of red brick with grey and brown roof tiles.

Housetypes from Acorn Meadows phase one. Similar housetypes proposed for phase two.


Indicative concept masterplan for Acorn Meadows phase two


Our public consultation closed on 29th March 2023.

We are now at the stage of finalising our proposals and are reviewing all comments that have been received